EFS | Awards


Congratulations to the winners of the EFS.Awards

In addition to the winners in the INNOVATION and SUSTAINABILITY categories at the EFS.Awards, which were presented for the first time in 2024, there were also two recognition prizes each. Arch+More ZT received the recognition prize in the innovation category for the NEUES FORUM – MAGDALENSBERG, because “the project, designed as an open forum, impresses with its open architecture and skillful lighting” – according to one of the jury members. Another recognition prize in the category went to roofit.solar with the HAUSHAUT ENERGIEFASSADE, a ventilated curtain wall façade that “integrates thermal insulation and energy generation in a visually elegant and unobtrusive way” and “leads to an energy self-sufficient building”. Towern3000 was delighted to win with the CEPA® ENERGY FACADE, whose innovative achievement, according to the jury, lies in its open concept, which can be combined with all forms of energy and manufacturers and impresses with its convenience factor: “As retrofitting is also possible while the building is occupied, it is an asset in the area of the enormous need for retrofitting.”

In the SUSTAINABILITY category, Wiedergewonnen’s HEADQUARTER from VON-UND-ZU-MARKETINGARENTUR won a recognition award. The jury praised Wiedergewonnen’s project as “an innovative approach to reusing bricks while enhancing a building with a special look“. The second recognition prize went to Dachgrün & Techmetall with the GRÜNWAND MYHIVE WIENERBERG project, whose façade, which has already been implemented several times in practice, provides a solution for “integrating new living spaces in the city into façades and thus transforming buildings into CO2 storage, moisture reserves, living space, dust filters, etc., while opening up new architectural possibilities“, according to the jury. The main prize went to SCHÜCO INTERNATIONAL with SCHÜCO CARBON CONTROL, a comprehensive, modular system that manages the issue of decarbonization along the entire product life cycle of façades. According to the jury, the system “puts the CO2 balance factor at the center of planning and can thus be an enormous accelerator for a green future“.

